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Word of mouth

Try out some of our tools and tell your family, friends, teachers, and co-workers how you liked them. Ex. "Hey did you try out Nando's Full Body Fitness yet? I already have 500 points!"

Social Media

Like, share, and subscribe to our facebook, twitter, and youtube pages and posts. The more people see "Nando The Healthy Hero" the more people can enjoy our tools.

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Do you know a PTO member, a principal, organization leader? We have a wide variety of presentations designed to help our communities in the pursuit of wellness. Ask them to bring us in.


Our shop has a wide range of wellness tools including children's books, cookbooks, fitness videos, and much more. Please leave a review to help others find us.

Donate Directly

Any of the contributions above help spread our message which we are immensely grateful for. If you choose to donate monetarily, your donation will help offset the costs of  website development and hosting, filming equipment, designers, computer equipment, and website development projects. All of our wellness tools are very time consuming, we are looking to work with other creative visionaries to bring more of our ideas to life in a better and faster manner. We would like to support them as you support us. Donations are part of what allow us to do that. It does not matter whether you donate a lot or a little, once or monthly, a donation of any size helps us spread our healthy message. Thank you, Kristi and Michael

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